
UNIVERSITY OF MINNESOTA EXTENSION -   Ready to beat the winter doldrums? We've got a fantastic list of fun activities to keep you busy for the rest of Minnesota's longest season! Once a week for the next 12 weeks we will share a new nature activity for you to try, and we're...
Winter storms are on the way. While many people are anxious to see landscapes covered in white, others already are counting down the days to spring blooms. Weather can be awe-inspiring and interesting, and learning the secrets about snow is no exception. Snow forms when water vapor in the...
UNIVERSITY OF MINNESOTA EXTENSION -   A simple DIY hydroponics system for growing lettuce and other greens   Are you looking for: A new winter hobby? Access to fresh greens or herbs throughout the winter? A fun project for kids? A unique holiday gift idea?   Hydroponic...
Workouts are a part of many people's daily routines. Some look forward to their exercise sessions, while others only commit after finding ways to make them as enjoyable as possible. For people who don't enjoy working out indoors, finding ways to exercise in the great outdoors can provide the...
Weather can be unpredictable and change course in the blink of an eye. It is important to be prepared for when cold temperatures hit and cause icy roads, power failures, and potential loss of communication. Stay safe by listening to weather reports during winter storms and planning ahead.  ...
The arrival of winter forces everyone to confront the changes synonymous with the season, and local wildlife is no exception. Low temperatures, harsh winter storms and a scarcity of food can make it challenging for wildlife, including birds, to thrive throughout the winter. Even though several...
Sunscreen and the great outdoors go hand-in-hand during the warmer months of the year. For instance, few people can imagine spending a day at the beach without first covering their skin in sunscreen. But skin also must be protected when spending time outdoors in winter. The World Health...
Dashing through the snow in a one-horse open sleigh . Winter holidays are made all the more merry with the addition of some outdoor recreation. Sleighs and sleds are par for the Christmas course, especially when a bounty of snow is in the forecast. Sledding has been part of snowy celebrations for...
UNIVERSITY OF MINNESOTA EXTENSION -   Winter is a good time for planning, reflection and thinking about the systems behind your farm's operation. What worked, what didn't, and what can be improved for next season?  What did your employees suggest for improvements? That review...


The Drummer and The Wright County Journal Press

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Buffalo MN 55313

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