
Golf requires mastery of a wide array of skills. Many novice players focus on improving skills related to their swings. Yet they shouldn't overlook the importance of improving their short games as well. In golf, short game refers to the golf shots golfers must make when they're near or on the green...
Learning the art of negotiation can benefit anyone, but it's particularly effective for people well who are always interested in finding a bargain. Not everyone is born with negotiating skills, but they can learn them. · Ask for what you want. Be assertive and know what you want from a situation....
UNIVERSITY OF MINNESOTA EXTENSION -   Youth of all ages can benefit from experiences that build healthy living practices. 4-H programs offer a variety of options for youth to be mindful with their food, feelings and relationships.   Ivy Tiesler, Rock County   Mindful munching...

The Drummer and The Wright County Journal Press

PO Box 159
108 Central Ave.
Buffalo MN 55313

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