Gardening ideas & tips for the average gardener.
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               C/O The Drummer
               PO Box 159
               Buffalo MN 55313
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From The Ground Up

UNIVERSITY OF MINNESOTA EXTENSION -     Spring is spring-ing around the state. As asparagus grows and gets picked, asparagus beetles are showing up as well. This can be a tricky pest to manage, read on for tips on managing this beetle.   Asparagus beetles feed on spears...
UNIVERSITY OF MINNESOTA EXTENSION -   Crown rust on a buckthorn leaf. Photo: Marilynn Miller via iNaturalist, licensed under CC BY.   Common buckthorn (Rhamnus cathartica) and glossy buckthorn (Frangula alnus) are both regularly found in Minnesota’s forests. Many woodland...
UNIVERSITY OF MINNESOTA EXTENSION -   Many parts of Minnesota are still experiencing a rainy spring, which can impact disease incidence from longer durations of leaf wetness, as well as decreasing the overall opportunity for growers to get out and apply fungicides. For folks...
UNIVERSITY OF MINNESOTA EXTENSION -   Constructing a reliable trellis is a key step to successfully establishing a vineyard. Trellises come in various designs and there are multiple tools and supply options to choose from for construction and maintenance. The first step to...
Inflation has garnered countless headlines in recent years, and much of that news has focused on the notably higher cost of food. Though the cost of some items at the grocery store has gone down in 2024, many items remain significantly more expensive than they were as recently as three or four...
UNIVERSITY OF MINNESOTA EXTENSION -   What do Firecracker dwarf sunflower, Emerald Tower basil, Amazing cauliflower and Sugar Ann snap peas have in common? They’re all varieties that won first place in the University of Minnesota Extension Master Gardener seed trials. Each...
UNIVERSITY OF MINNESOTA EXTENSION -   It’s almost May, which means it’s that time of the year again to share some updates related to Minnesota fruit production. The Fruit updates series share updates related to fruit crop growth stages, report on pests and diseases found...
UNIVERSITY OF MINNESOTA EXTENSION -   The last few years have seen an uptick in the occurrence of three bacterial diseases in Minnesota tomatoes: bacterial spot, bacterial speck, and bacterial canker. Control of all of these diseases begins during transplant production. These...
UNIVERSITY OF MINNESOTA EXTENSION -   As soil starts to warm and vegetables get in the ground, complaints about cutworms often follow. Minnesota is home to a few species of cutworms, some of which we can track and predict, and others we can’t. Regardless of the species, we...
Pets bring many positive changes to households. Pets can make homes more lively, and the companionship of animals can reduce feelings of loneliness while offering additional health benefits to pet owners. Individuals who are preparing to adopt or purchase pets need to be mindful that they may need...


The Drummer and The Wright County Journal Press

PO Box 159
108 Central Ave.
Buffalo MN 55313

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