Gardening ideas & tips for the average gardener.
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               PO Box 159
               Buffalo MN 55313
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From The Ground Up

UNIVERSITY OF MINNESOTA EXTENSION -   We've continued to have bouts of rain, but growers are still getting field work and planting done. Pest issues are on the rise, and we have our first few days of hotter weather on deck.   General Notes Rainy weather and N deficiency   The...
UNIVERSITY OF MINNESOTA EXTENSION -   Growers are reporting seeing Colorado potato beetles and their eggs in field. We all know what these guys are capable of, let’s do a rundown of Colorado potato beetle management.   The first flush of Colorado potato beetle activity is the...
UNIVERSITY OF MINNESOTA EXTENSION -   Cucumber beetles show up in Minnesota every year. This article provides a brief overview of cucumber beetles along with recommended management strategies you can use after your cucurbits are planted.   Cucumber beetles: an overview...
UNIVERSITY OF MINNESOTA EXTENSION -   This fruit update contains information about… Apples- Growth stage, insect & disease management, and note about when to remove trunk shields/protectors. Grapes- Growth stage, information about the grape cultivar Brianna, disease...
UNIVERSITY OF MINNESOTA EXTENSION -   Hopefully last night’s storms are the closing of the tap after another wet week. NOAA is calling for cooler than normal temperatures and less rain in the next week.   Tips for dealing with flooded fields It has been wet, with more...
UNIVERSITY OF MINNESOTA EXTENSION -   The cooler weather we have on tap will keep our cole crops, such as cabbage, kale, and broccoli, happy.  The weather is also warm enough that insect pests will also be pleased -- including the three species of caterpillars that are...
UNIVERSITY OF MINNESOTA EXTENSION -   Flea beetle continues to be one of the biggest pests on Minnesota vegetables farms, especially in our brassica crops. Some of the most effective things we can do to manage this pest happen before we see damage (AKA, the combination of...
UNIVERSITY OF MINNESOTA EXTENSION -   This fruit update contains information about… Apples- growth stage and thinning; insect & disease management. June-bearing strawberries- growth stage, and disease management. Additional fruit growth stage highlights. “Wild,” non-...
UNIVERSITY OF MINNESOTA EXTENSION -   Growers are plugging away with planting and other early season tasks in between rains. This May has been one of the wettest in recent years – quite a change of pace from the last few Mays we had.   Our crops have moisture, but so do our...
UNIVERSITY OF MINNESOTA EXTENSION -   This fruit update contains information about… Apples- growth stage, & insect and disease management Grapes- growth stage, canopy management, and insect & disease management, note on slime molds in the vineyard, and UMN online...


The Drummer and The Wright County Journal Press

PO Box 159
108 Central Ave.
Buffalo MN 55313

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