
If panfish are what you’re fishing for, then try Lake John, Maple Lake, Indian Lake, Clearwater, near the 12 to 18-foot weed edges. Use minnows or crawlers at 14 to 20 feet to catch walleyes on Sylvia and Clearwater Lakes. If largemouth bass are your choice, they are active on the deep weedlines of...
Bass and northern pike are still active. Look for the bigger fish to be near deep vegetation on most lakes. On Clearwater Lake, Lake Sylvia, as well as Maple, Ramsey and Indian Lakes, sunfish can easily be found during the daylight hours and crappies during the evening hours. Both can be found at...
Minnows or crawlers are working best to catch a few walleyes on Cedar Lake, Clearwater Lake, and Sugar Lake, at a depth of 16 to 20 feet. Most lakes are producing largemouth bass and northern pike along the 12 to 15 foot weedlines. Maple Lake, Ramsey Lake, Lake Sylvia, and Lake John are giving up...


The Drummer and The Wright County Journal Press

PO Box 159
108 Central Ave.
Buffalo MN 55313


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