
UNIVERSITY OF MINNESOTA EXTENSION - www.extension.umn.edu   A common eastern bumble bee queen in Winona on March 3, 2024. Photo: Danielle Hudson   It is easy to see that this has been an unusually warm winter in Minnesota. Skis and sleds barely had a chance to get dusted off. People started...
UNIVERSITY OF MINNESOTA EXTENSION - www.extension.umn.edu   Models suggest that significant cold has passed, things are starting to green up and soil is warming. While this warm winter causing growers stress about what diseases and insects will do this spring, this early spring can provide rare...
UNIVERSITY OF MINNESOTA EXTENSION - www.extension.umn.edu   How will this unusually warm winter affect my garden, lawn, trees and shrubs? Will pests be a bigger problem? Can I still prune my fruit trees? Plant dormancy is affected by day length and temperature. Plants slowly start moving into...
UNIVERSITY OF MINNESOTA EXTENSION - www.extension.umn.edu   Colleagues across Extension have been receiving calls and emails about this warmer weather, wondering how it might affect everything from the soil to drought to syrup tapping. I have reports from people who have tapped trees that the sap...
UNIVERSITY OF MINNESOTA EXTENSION - www.extension.umn.edu   How will this warmer winter weather affect the survival of pests like emerald ash borer (EAB)?   Emerald ash borers generally have a one-year life cycle that can extend to two years in a vigorously growing ash tree. EAB larvae live under...
Nothing beats sipping a hot, soothing beverage after a day of choosing the perfect Christmas tree or lobbing snowballs in the backyard. Teas, hot toddies, coffees, and mulled ciders certainly can fit the bill, but a mug of rich hot chocolate is a holiday season staple. Hot chocolate can be whipped...

The Drummer and The Wright County Journal Press

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Buffalo MN 55313


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