Parents know that nothing quite matches the excitement young children feel on Christmas Eve. On the day before Christmas, youngsters anxiously anticipate the arrival of Santa Claus that evening, and are perhaps even more excited by the prospects of the following morning, when they'll race into the...
Bilingualism is more common than ever before. According to Ecole Bilingue de Berkeley (EB), today more of the world's population is bilingual or multilingual than monolingual. Anyone can benefit from speaking multiple languages, and people of all ages, and children in particular, may find that...
Parents know that growing children need a lot of food. According to pediatric dietitian Hanna Leikin, MS, RD, CSP, LD, kids need a higher calorie demand per body weight compared to adults to support bone development, muscle growth and other bodily functions. Perhaps that's why it seems like a...
Obesity and overweight are public health issues across the globe. The World Health Organization says worldwide adult obesity has more than doubled since 1990, and adolescent obesity has quadrupled. According to the State of Childhood Obesity and data from the National Survey of Children's Health,...
Players take turns trying to find matching pairs of cards.
Starting school for the first time or simply returning to campus after another summer break can lead to mixed feelings. Kids may be excited to see their friends every day, but that comes at the price of the end of lazy summer days.
The first day of school is on the horizon, and parents may discover...
A game in the fashion of the classic Battleship® game. Players try to "sink" all of the opponent's words.
This is an I Spy puzzle for kids. Locate all of the symbols in the picture.
Although vision loss is typically associated with aging, people of all ages can experience issues that contribute to diminished vision. Sometimes parents may be unaware that their children have low vision or other issues compromising their sight, particularly when children are too young to...
Did you know that the average primary flame blowtorch burns at around 2,000 F? USFS National Technology and Development says wildland fires typically burn between 1,600 and 2,000 F. Aluminum, brass, bronze, copper, and cast iron also can reach melting points at or slightly below 2,000 F.