
UNIVERSITY OF MINNESOTA EXTENSION -   Given that it's November, we're far away from the start of the growing season, but now is a good time to think about ordering apple bare root trees for future plantings; which may mean receiving plants for establishment in 2026 when...
UNIVERSITY OF MINNESOTA EXTENSION -   Image: The cycle of growth, fall acclimation, and dormancy that a perennial fruit crop goes through each year. These stages are all necessary for its growth, reproduction, and survival, and can provide a lens that helps growers better...
UNIVERSITY OF MINNESOTA EXTENSION -   This fruit update contains information about… Postharvest fruit handling Apples Bitter pit management: Thinking ahead for the next growing season. Grapes Berry bruising from late-season heavy wind, rain, and small-hail. 2024 Fruit...
UNIVERSITY OF MINNESOTA EXTENSION -   This fruit update contains information about… 2024 Fruit and Veg News reader survey: We want to hear from you! Apples Black rot (Diplodia seriata, syn Botryosphaeria obtusa). Late–season apple scab (Venturia inaequalis) fruit infections...
UNIVERSITY OF MINNESOTA EXTENSION -   This fruit update contains information about… Apples Seasonal fruit ripening updates: Fruit color development, pre-harvest drop, and russeting. Grapes Problems with late season insects: Multicolored Asian lady beetle (MALB), social...
UNIVERSITY OF MINNESOTA EXTENSION -   This fruit update contains information about…   Determining fruit ripeness Apples Starch-iodine testing for ripeness. Grapes Testing grapes for ripeness. Aronia About aronia berries. Viking, an aronia hybrid cultivar. Harvest...
UNIVERSITY OF MINNESOTA EXTENSION -   We are entering peak tomato, and markets are flooded with beautiful tomatoes. However, not every tomato we grow is market-ready, read on for tips for diagnosing and managing common tomato fruit issues. Issues caused by tomato physiology...
UNIVERSITY OF MINNESOTA EXTENSION -   This fruit update contains information about… Apples   Apple curculio Grapes Bird netting and additional bird deterrents Sooty mold and scales on grapevines Black rot grape growers survey Pears Summercrisp harvest updates  ...
UNIVERSITY OF MINNESOTA EXTENSION -   This fruit update contains information about… Apples  About: Moldy core  Apple maggot status Grapes Current growth stage About: Insect galls Grape tumid gall Grape filbert gall Day-neutral strawberries  2024 growing season ...
UNIVERSITY OF MINNESOTA EXTENSION -   This fruit update contains information about… Apples- cider apple production. Grapes- growth stage updates and herbicide damage on grapes. Raspberries- growth stage updates. 2024 Japanese beetle trends and research updates. Minnesota...


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Buffalo MN 55313

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