Perennials to divide in spring



Plant bed next to a low garden wall with fresh soil and young yarrow plants with yellw flowers.

Yarrow is a drought-tolerant favorite in Minnesota landscapes and can be divided in the spring (cultivar ‘Moonshine’ is pictured).


Spring is a great time to divide certain perennials in your garden. Division produces more plants for your garden or to share with a fellow gardener.

It also provides the opportunity to remove old, dead growth and encourage new growth. And you can take advantage of having more plants to do some re-designing of your garden beds.

It’s also easier to divide plants when they are small and just starting to leaf out, and the plant has the entire growing season to get re-established in its new location.

For more plants and how and when to divide them, see How and when to divide perennials.

You can download the Dividing perennials spreadsheet to find information specific to 125 common perennials.


Perennials that should be divided in spring


Common name Scientific name
Anemone Anemone spp.
Artemisia Artemisia spp.
Balloon flower Platycodon grandiflorus
Beardtongue Penstemon digitalis
Bee balm Monarda spp.
Bleeding heart Dicentra spp.
Delphinium Delphinium grandiflorum
False blue indigo Baptisia australis
Plantain lily Hosta spp.
Jacob's ladder Polemonium caeruleum
Japanese spurge Pachysandra terminalis
Blazing star Liatris spp.
Maidenhair fern Adiantum pedatum
Milkweed Asclepias spp.
Monkshood Acontium napellus
Mum - garden Dendranthema xgrandiflora
Obedient plant Physostegia virginiana
Ornamental grasses  
Pinks Dianthus spp.
Sedge Carex spp.
Stonecrop Sedum spp.
Toad lily Tricyrtis hirta
Turtlehead Chelone spp.
Virginia bluebells Mertensia virginica
Yarrow Achillea millefolium



The Drummer and The Wright County Journal Press

PO Box 159
108 Central Ave.
Buffalo MN 55313

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