Celebrations 9/14/23
Robert Mortvedt - 90th Birthday
Robert “Bob” Mortvedt, of Buffalo, is turning 90 on Sunday, September 17.
When you see him, please join his children, grandchildren, and great-grandchildren in wishing him a very happy birthday! (P14, D17)
Gerry Meehan Smith - 90th Birthday
Friends of Gerry Meehan Smith, of Waverly, are invited to an Open House to celebrate her 90th birthday from 1:00 to 4:00 p.m., on Sunday, September 17, at the KC Hall, 301 5th St. N, Waverly. Stop by for cake and ice cream.
No gifts, please. (P14, D17)
Academic Honors
Southern New Hampshire Univ., Manchester
The following students were named to the President’s List for the summer 2023 semester.
Buffalo - Braedy Silva.
Delano - Connor Litfin.
Monticello - Mason Hjelmeland.
Montrose - Kayla Zwart.
Rockford - Jared Harms.
St. Michael - Christian Snyder.
BHS Class of 1955
The BHS Class of 1955 will be holding their 68th Class Reunion on Thursday, September 21, at noon at Bison Creek Event Center, located at 1207 Hwy. 25 N. in Buffalo.
Any questions concerning the reunion may be addressed to Bill Wandersee, at 406-490-5755.
BHS Class of 1958
The BHS Class of 1958 will be holding their 65th Class Reunion on Thursday, September 28, at Bison Creek Event Center, located at 1207 Hwy. 25 N. in Buffalo.
Social hour begins at 11:30 a.m., luncheon to follow at 12:15 p.m. Hope to see you there!
BHS Class of 1968
The BHS Class of 1968 will have its 55th reunion on Saturday, September 23, starting at 2:00 p.m. at Gary and Cyndi Bonk’s home. Supper at 5:00 p.m.
Contact nmcafee1968@gmail.com for more info.
BHS Class of 1971
Buffalo High School Class of 1971 will celebrate their 52nd annual reunion get-together on Thursday, September 28, at 11:00 a.m., at Bison Creek Event Center, 1207 N Hwy 25 in Buffalo. We’ll socialize and have lunch.
Any questions, please email Chris at christinehusom@aol.com. See you there!
Annandale High School Class of 1963
The Annandale High School Class of 1963 will be holding their 60th Class Reunion on Wednesday, September 27, from 2:00 to 6:00 p.m. in Annandale.
Call for location and details, Doris, 612-236-8883.
Delano High School Class of 1978
Please join us for an informal gathering at Dave’s Town Club in Delano, Friday, September 15, after 8:00 p.m. to celebrate the Class of 1978.
On Saturday, September 16, the Delano High School Class of 1978 will get together for an evening of recollection and a fun picnic dinner at the Reider Twins’ family home.