
“Dog Days of Summer” is slang for the hottest days of summer, and we have definitely seen that in recent weeks. This is the time of summer when friends and family are sharing the abundance from their gardens.  May we always appreciate our time spent tending to and harvesting from our gardens,...
Hope you were able to visit the Wright County Fair.  As always, it’s enjoyable seeing what the local youth can do when walking through the 4-H buildings, especially in the baking categories. Seeing all the homemade goodies hopefully encourages visitors to go home and make and bake all sorts of...
Summer is in full swing, and it is time to liven up your meal plan with a few new recipes.  Take advantage of the local farmers market and find some new ways to use the current produce in your next meal. Let us know if there is something you would like us to put in our column, or if you have a...
What is your style of camping:  Tent? Camper? Glamping? Hotel? Did you know that over 42 million Americans (14% of the US population) goes camping each year. Whatever your style of camping, I think we can all agree that food always tastes better over a campfire or grill. My family’s favorite is...
National Ice Cream Day is July 16.  In 1984, President Ronald Reagan declared the third Sunday in July as National Ice Cream  Day and the month of July as National Ice Cream Month.  Did you know... Ice cream first originated in China.  When immigrants arrived on Ellis Island they were greeted with...
National Sugar Cookie Day is July 9 and no... sugar cookies are not only for Christmas. They are great summer cookies as they are freezer-friendly and transport nicely to summer activities. Did you know . . . that sugar cookies can be traced back to the 1700’s.  German Protestants created a long-...
A few fun facts as we celebrate the 4th of July! Americans spent $2.3 billion on fireworks in 2022 (this includes professional and backyard). Approximately 155 million hot dogs are eaten over the 4th of July!  This week we included eight different ways to switch up your hot dogs and some fun sides...
I just read an article about summers as an adult.  It suggested as adults we take back the child-like adventures, if even for an hour.  Things do not need to make sense, they just have to bring a smile to your face.  Reclaim some youthful summer magic this year! Let us know if there is something...
The nation’s first Father’s Day was celebrated on June 19, 1910, in the state of Washington.  However, it was not until 1972 - 58 years after President Woodrow Wilson made Mother’s Day official, that the day honoring fathers became a nationwide holiday in the United States. Happy Father’s Day! Let...
Rhubarb is a great versatile fruit because it can be used fresh and you can freeze for up to a year. Best way to freeze rhubarb is to cut in one inch pieces.  Lay flat on a parchment lined baking pan.  Freeze until firm to the touch and place into freezer bags. When frozen, you do not need to thaw...


The Drummer and The Wright County Journal Press

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108 Central Ave.
Buffalo MN 55313

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