
Thanks to advancements in medicine and increased access to medical care, people are living longer. But that progress does not mean people are immune to illnesses or disabilities. Many caregivers are highly trained professionals, but millions of informal caregivers offer unpaid assistance to the...
UNIVERSITY OF MINNESOTA EXTENSION -   The Remer Community Garden in Cass County sits behind the Father’s Heart and Hands food shelf, 25 miles southwest of Grand Rapids. Laura Moraczewski, an Extension Master Gardener volunteer, responded to an article in the local newspaper...
Ideas about shopping are never set in stone, and the pandemic illustrated just how quickly consumer trends and opinions can change. Many individuals are now reevaluating how they spend their hard-earned money, particularly since inflation has affected just how far a dollar can be stretched. When...
Each year on March 29, the United States honors the brave individuals who fought in the Vietnam War. Supporting National Vietnam War Veterans Day is a worthy effort that can send the right message to veterans who sadly were not always met with open arms when they returned home. According to the U.S...
Various factors combine to make communities great places to be. If asked to describe an ideal community, individuals' answers would undoubtedly be as unique as the respondents themselves. However, safety is one attribute that would be at or near the top of most people's lists regardless of their...

The Drummer and The Wright County Journal Press

PO Box 159
108 Central Ave.
Buffalo MN 55313

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